Known Bugs and Fixes
1 Overview
Help and how-to to resolve bugs that arise from time to time.
1.1 Fixing a pandoc error
When installing geospaar
, older versions of RStudio may
cause a pandoc failure when building vignettes. Here is a fix (courtesy
of Lei Song). If you get this error:
Run the following lines of code (fix suggested here) from an
# Download pandoc 2.7.1 built with ghc-8.6.4, and instruct
# RStudio + rmarkdown to use it.
# The directory where Pandoc will be extracted. Feel free
# to adjust this path as appropriate.
dir <- "~/rstudio-pandoc"
# The version of Pandoc to be installed.
version <- "2.7.1"
# Create and move to the requested directory.
dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
owd <- setwd(dir)
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
# Construct path to pandoc.
root <- ""
suffix <- sprintf("", version)
url <- file.path(root, "pandoc-rstudio", version, suffix)
# Download and extract pandoc.
file <- basename(url)
utils::download.file(url, destfile = file)
# Write .Renviron to update the version of Pandoc used.
entry <- paste("RSTUDIO_PANDOC", shQuote(path.expand(dir)), sep = " = ")
contents <- if (file.exists("~/.Renviron")) readLines("~/.Renviron")
filtered <- grep("^RSTUDIO_PANDOC", contents, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
amended <- union(filtered, entry)
writeLines(amended, "~/.Renviron")
# Report change to the user.
writeLines("Updated .Renviron:\n")
writeLines("\nPlease restart RStudio for these changes to take effect.")
Then restart Rstudio and proceed again with
steps. This step can be avoided if you
update to the latest Rstudio, however.