Unit 1 Module 3


1 Introduction to R programming

Up until now we learned mostly about setting up and maintaining an R project package. We have walked through a brief, high-level overview of R’s structure. Now we get down to the business of learning how to use it.

1.1 How R is evolving and how it affects us

Before starting, we need to turn back to natural history for another metaphor, specifically evolution. R is a language that has been undergoing fairly substantial changes recently. There seems to be clear development trajectories within the language, much like the evolution of species.

An (approximate) lineage of R packages/objects involved in data handling and graphics.

An (approximate) lineage of R packages/objects involved in data handling and graphics.

The graphic above is crude and almost certainly not correct in some respects (e.g. relative age of divergence), but it serves to illustrate what I think are key developments that are changing how we program in R. Many of these changes are being driven by the “tidyverse”, which is:

…an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.

Most prominent amongst these are the dplyr and ggplot2 packages, which respectively provide methods for manipulating data sets and producing graphics. These packages are designed around a fairly different syntax than that of base R, and are increasingly dominating the R world. They are becoming so dominant in fact that a number of leading lights in the R field argue that R beginners should first be taught using tidyverse packages, and avoid base R and much of the programmatic concepts that are needed to go with it. The argument is summarized here.

The idea is appealing, but since this is a course on Geospatial Analysis with R, I believe we should still learn base R, because many spatial packages are designed with base R in mind. Although tidyverse compliance/compatibility among spatial packages is growing, in practice many of the examples you will find for them use base R syntax, particularly the flagship package for raster-based analyses, terra, which is the much faster replacement for the workhorse raster package.

At the same time, we also need to learn some tidyverse, at least dplyr and ggplot, because the sf package (the replacement for sp, which provides spatial vector functionality in R) is designed to work with the tidyverse.

So we are going to learn aspects of both. Before diving in, I want to illustrate how different syntaxes can look within some of R’s evolutionary branches. We’ll focus on data manipulation.


# a data.frame with 1000 rows and randomly assigned groups and values...
d <- data.frame(a = sample(letters[1:7], size = 1000, replace = TRUE), 
                b = runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 20))
#>   a          b
#> 1 b 10.6161759
#> 2 c 13.6972181
#> 3 e  7.6656679
#> 4 g 19.0997600
#> 5 b  2.3671316
#> 6 g  0.7820011

# ...converted to a tibble
d_tb <- as_tibble(d)
#> # A tibble: 1,000 x 2
#>    a          b
#>    <fct>  <dbl>
#>  1 b     10.6  
#>  2 c     13.7  
#>  3 e      7.67 
#>  4 g     19.1  
#>  5 b      2.37 
#>  6 g      0.782
#>  7 g     10.1  
#>  8 e     11.6  
#>  9 e     16.8  
#> 10 a     13.1  
#> # … with 990 more rows

# ...converted to a data.table
d_dt <- data.table(d)
#>       a         b
#>    1: b 10.616176
#>    2: c 13.697218
#>    3: e  7.665668
#>    4: g 19.099760
#>    5: b  2.367132
#>   ---            
#>  996: f 15.500565
#>  997: e  1.381404
#>  998: b  4.818985
#>  999: b  4.856037
#> 1000: b  7.742260

The example above creates a data.frame d and randomly assigns some values to it, and then converts it to a tibble (d_tb) and then a data.table (d_dt). A tibble and data.table are both enhanced data.frames with vastly improved performance in terms of processing times and memory handling, as well as a whole suite of functions designed to manipulate them that differ markedly from original base syntax. The first thing to note is that the generic print functions (note: you are implicitly calling print when you simply type out the name of an object and then execute the code) for each summarize the objects in fairly different ways. In fact, we swapped (implicit) print for head when it came to our data.frame, because it would have printed all 1000 lines. Both the tibble and data.table produce more compact outputs. Note that printing a tibble shows information on the data type in each column, and just the first 10 rows. Printing a data.table shows no information on data type, and shows the first and last 5 rows, and separates row numbers from data with “:”.

The real differences come with the syntax for manipulating these datasets. Let’s take a brief look at how we might operate on the three objects, by calculating the mean of variable “b” according to the categorical groups defined in “a”.

Here’s how we would do it most efficiently with the data.frame:

aggregate(d$b, list(d$a), mean)
#>   Group.1         x
#> 1       a 10.003739
#> 2       b  9.721181
#> 3       c  8.476785
#> 4       d  9.326792
#> 5       e 10.204949
#> 6       f 10.244814
#> 7       g 10.249821

And with the tibble. For this we load up dplyr, which provides the functions designed to work with this.

d_tb %>% 
  group_by(a) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   a     `mean(b)`
#>   <chr>     <dbl>
#> 1 a         10.0 
#> 2 b          9.72
#> 3 c          8.48
#> 4 d          9.33
#> 5 e         10.2 
#> 6 f         10.2 
#> 7 g         10.2

And finally the data.table:

d_dt[, mean(b), by = a][order(a)]
#>    a        V1
#> 1: a 10.204565
#> 2: b  9.349255
#> 3: c  9.838504
#> 4: d 10.043368
#> 5: e  9.998252
#> 6: f 10.203975
#> 7: g  9.061001

Three fairly different syntaxes for doing the same thing. These are in descending order of processing speed. Generally an operation performed on a large data.frame will be much slower than one performed on a tibble, which will be slower than a data.table. Also note that the functions aggregate (from the core R package stats) and group_by and summarize (from dplyr) can be applied to all three objects interchangeably, since all three objects are just data.frames. data.table is the exception, as much of the functionality of data.table is provided within the [], so you can’t apply the syntax we show for d_dt to d_tb and d.

d[, mean(b), by = a][order(a)]
#> Error in `[.data.frame`(d, , mean(b), by = a): unused argument (by = a)
d_tb[, mean(b), by = a][order(a)]
#> Error in `d_tb[, mean(b), by = a]`:
#> ! Can't subset columns with `mean(b)`.
#> ✖ Can't convert from `j` <double> to <integer> due to loss of precision.

data.table is extremely powerful, and is the tool of choice for working with extremely large tabular datasets (it seems to have heavy uptake in quantitative finance, for example), and by some measures beats out pandas in python However, the syntax is much more arcane, and, more importantly, not really part of R’s spatial packages, so we won’t learn it further (but it is well worth learning).

dplyr, however, is quite important to know, as the functionality it provides is being incorporated into sf and stars (the package that might be replacing raster–but see terra). It is also really great for accessing databases such as postgres. So we will learn base R along with some dplyr and a few other tidyverse functions so that we can get ready for these changes.

1.2 Setting up for practice

In this module, you will be asked to answer questions and practice coding along the way. To aid this process:

  • Create a new folder called “notebooks” in your class Rstudio project, as a top level folder.
  • Open a new Rmarkdown file. Save it into the notebooks folder, calling it geog246346_unit1module3_practice.Rmd. Adjust the title as needed, and delete the text and chunks below. Keep one chunk, but delete the code in it, as a starting point for code
  • Type answers to questions, take notes, etc, outside the code chunks. Put practice code inside the R code chunks. Remember, you can execute code line by line within chunks to test it out, execute a single chunk, or knit the code all at once (note: when you knit, the code is executed in a new different environment than the one you use when executing line by line)

2 Indexing

You are already acquainted with R objects, data types, classes, functions, etc. Now let’s start to work with them. We’ll start by figuring out how to create and index into different types of data structures, which is useful if we want to extract or edit values within them. Indexing is also referred to as subsetting, because when we extract values we are selecting a subset of an object.

2.1 One-dimensional data structures

2.1.1 Vectors

Recall that a vector is a 1-dimensional object. An atomic vector can contain only one data type.

a <- 1:10
b <- a
names(b) <- letters[1:10]

Here we define the vector a, which has values 1:10, and make a copy of a called b. We then assign names to each of the values in the vector b. The names are the first 10 letters of the alphabet, which R provides in a built-in vector called letters (there is also LETTERS–type that into the console and execute it to check it out). Note the operation here: we apply the names function (run ?names to see what this function does) to b, and then assign to it the vector of letter from letters using <-, R’s assignment operator (you could also use =, but we don’t because we follow the R style guide here, and for reasons detailed here it is better to stick with <- for assignment).

Note that this code also gives out first instruction in indexing. Note that we use [] with letters, (). That’s because letters is a vector from which we are extracting a subset of values, as opposed to an object to which we are applying a function, in which case we would enclose the object with ()–as we did with names(a).

So now that a is an object, we also extract values from it, using the same [] notation and values that specify particular index positions.

# #1
#> [1] 1
# #2
#> [1] 4 5
# #3
a[c(1, 5, 10)]
#> [1]  1  5 10
# #4
#> [1] 10
# #5
#> [1]  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# #6
a[-c(1, 3)]
#> [1]  2  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

In the code above, we extract from a:

  • Line #1: The 1st element
  • Line #2: The 4th and 5th elements. Since
  • Line #3: The 1st, 5th, and 10th elements
  • Line #4: The last element
  • Line #5: The 2nd through 10th elements
  • Line #6: The 2nd and fourth through 10th elements

We use integers within the [] to indicate the position of the element(s) we want to pull out of a. If we want more than 1 element, we can specify a range of indices using : if the positions are contiguous/adjacent, i.e. 4:5. If they are discontiguous, then we have to concatenate the indices using c(), separating the integers specifying the index positions by commas, i.e. c(1, 5, 10). Lastly, we can grab the last element and the last element only using the index the final index number (10), or, as os often the cases in large vectors, where we might not know the exact total number of elements (and thus the index number of the final element), we can use the length function to find out how long (how many elements are in) the vector is, i.e. length(a), which returns the value 10 in this case into the [].

In examples 5 and 6 we use negative indicing to drop element the first element and 1st and third elements, yielding the remaining elements in the vector.

You can also use the names of elements in the vector, if it has names assigned, as is the case with b (which you can also index into with integers)

#> a 
#> 1
b[c("d", "e")]
#> d e 
#> 4 5
b[c("a", "e", "j")]
#>  a  e  j 
#>  1  5 10
#>  j 
#> 10
#> Error in -"a": invalid argument to unary operator
b[-c("a", "c")]
#> Error in -c("a", "c"): invalid argument to unary operator

The above recreates exactly what we did with integer indices, but using the element names instead. However, we see that negative indexing is not possible with names.

We can also index using logical operators to select elements of vectors based on their values.

# #1
a[a > 5]
#> [1]  6  7  8  9 10
# #2
a[a >= 2 & a < 7]
#> [1] 2 3 4 5 6
# #3
a[a == 7 | a == 2]
#> [1] 2 7
# #4
a[a %in% c(1, 10)]
#> [1]  1 10
# #5
b[b %in% 2:3]
#> b c 
#> 2 3

In the above we use logical operators to select values from a and b based on their values. Let’s translate what the above are doing exactly.

  • Line #1: Select from a all values of a that greater than 5
  • Line #2: Select from a all values of a that are greater than or equal to 2 and less than 7
  • Line #3: Select from a all values of a that 7 or equal 2
  • Line #4: Select from a all values of a that occur within a vector containing 1 and 10 (this is the same as: select from a all values of a that equal 1 or equal 10)
  • Line #5: Select from b all values of b that occur within a vector containing 2 and 3

Let’s look at two aspects of this syntax, starting within the logical operations within the []. What are those doing?

a > 5
a >= 2 & a < 7
a == 7 | a == 2
a %in% c(1, 10)
b %in% 2:3

Those operations are testing whether each value in the vector meets the particular condition (TRUE) or not (FALSE), e.g. is thise value of a greater than 5 or not? When those tests are done inside the [], the resulting values that are TRUE are the ones selected from the vector. The FALSEs are ignored.

We can recover the index positions from the logicals using the which function:

which(a > 5)
#> [1]  6  7  8  9 10
which(b %in% 2:3)
#> [1] 2 3

You can check that by comparing the index values to the positions of the TRUE values in the corresponding logical results (the 1st and 5th examples) above that.

2.1.2 Lists

A list is a vector that can contain multiple data types. It can be named or unnamed.

l <- list(1, 1:10, c("a", "b", "c", "d"))  # unnamed list
l2 <- l
names(l2) <- letters[1:3]  # named list
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 1
#> [[2]]
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
#> $a
#> [1] 1
#> $b
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> $c
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"

l is an unnamed list, l2 has names assigned to each element. The results above give some insights into how to index into lists. Lists are indexed from within [[]] as well as []:

# Chunk 1
# #1
#> [1] 1
# #2
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 1
# #3
#> [[1]]
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #4
#> [1] 3
# #5
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #6
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
  • Line #1: the example code pulls out the contents of the element of list l
  • Line #2: pulls the first element of list l into a list of length 1
  • Line #3: pulls the second and third elements of l into a two-element list
  • Line #4: tries but fails to pull the second and third elements of l to see their contents–it only returns the contents of element 2
  • Line #5: pulls out the contents of the last element of l
  • Line #6: pulls the last element of list l into a list of length 1

So list indexing by [[]] is different than by [].

We can also index by name:

# Chunk 2
# #1
#> [1] 1
# #2
#> $a
#> [1] 1
# #3
l2[c("a", "b")]
#> $a
#> [1] 1
#> $b
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# #4
l2[[c("a", "b")]]
#> Error in l2[[c("a", "b")]]: subscript out of bounds
# #5
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #6
#> $c
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #7
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #8
#> [1] 1

Note that 1-6 just above (Chunk 2) recreate the previous 1-6 (Chunk 1) using integer indices, except Chunk 2 #4 shows the error resulting from trying to pull the contents of two list elements out of the list simultaneously. Chunk 2 #7 and #8 are new however, as they use the $ operator to pull out the contents of the element by name. l2$c is the same as l2[["c"]].

One more thing with list indexing we will look at: indexing specific elements within list elements:

# Chunk 3
names(l2$c) <- letters[1:4]
# #1
#> [1] 2 3
# #2
#> [1] 2 3
# #3
#> [1] 2 3
# #4
#> [1] 2 3
# #5
l[[3]][c(1, 4)]
#> [1] "a" "d"
# #6
l2$c[c(1, 4)]
#>   a   d 
#> "a" "d"
# #7
l2$c[c("a", "d")]
#>   a   d 
#> "a" "d"
# #8
l2["c"][["c"]][c("a", "d")]
#>   a   d 
#> "a" "d"
# #9
l[2:3][3]  # doesn't work
#> [[1]]

In Chunk 3 above, we are indexing into a specific list element, and then indexing into values within the selected vectors. First thing we do is assign names (a, b, c, d) to vector c in l2 (the 3rd element).

  • In #1-#4 you see various ways how you can select elements 2 and 3 from the second list element (either l or l2)
  • Lines #5-#8 show how we get extract elements 1 and 4 from the list’s 3 element
  • Pay close attention to #3, #4, and #8, which each have three sets of brackets
  • Lastly we see #9, which produces a NULL because it is not possible to index into two separate list elements

2.1.3 Indexing to change values

We have just seen how you can select values from vectors and lists. Now we look at using indices to change values within objects. Fairly straightforward, and mostly entails doing the indexing on the left-hand side of the <-:

# Chunk 4
a <- sample(0:100, size = 10, replace = TRUE)
names(a) <- letters[1:10]
b <- a  # copy we will modify
l <- list(e = 1, f = 1:10, g = a)
l2 <- l  # copy we will modify
#> $e
#> [1] 1
#> $f
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> $g
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50

In the first two lines of Chunk 4, we are using the sample function to select a 10 integers at random from a vector of integers (0-100). We preceed that call with set.seed(1), which ensures that each time we run this code we get the same numbers drawn (use ?set.seed to learn more about random seeds, and ?sample to learn about the arguments passed to the function). Random number generation is an important aspect of learning how to code, particularly for setting up self-contained, reproducible examples that you can use to ask others for help.

# Chunk 5
# #1
b[1] <- -99 
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
# #2
b["j"] <- "z" 
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#>     a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h     i     j 
#> "-99"  "38"   "0"  "33"  "86"  "42"  "13"  "81"  "58"   "z"
# #3
b[c("b", "f")] <- 9999
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#>      a      b      c      d      e      f      g      h      i      j 
#>  "-99" "9999"    "0"   "33"   "86" "9999"   "13"   "81"   "58"    "z"
# #4
b[3:4] <- c(-1, -2)
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#>      a      b      c      d      e      f      g      h      i      j 
#>  "-99" "9999"   "-1"   "-2"   "86" "9999"   "13"   "81"   "58"    "z"
# #5
b[5:length(b)] <- 10000:10001 
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#>       a       b       c       d       e       f       g       h       i 
#>   "-99"  "9999"    "-1"    "-2" "10000" "10001" "10000" "10001" "10000" 
#>       j 
#> "10001"
# #6
b[length(b) - 1] <- 0:10  
#> Warning in b[length(b) - 1] <- 0:10: number of items to replace is not a
#> multiple of replacement length

Looking at the above, we are indexing the same way we did in the previous section, but in this case we are assigning new values to overwrite the existing ones in those index positions. Note that the number of replacements can be less than or equal to, but not exceed, the number of elements you index:

  • Lines #1-#3 show how you replace 1 or more elements with a single value. Notice how in #2 that replacing the named element “j” with a character (“z”) coerced the entire vector to a character type
  • Line #4 how you replace two elements with two different values (the first element indexed gets the first value, the second element gets the second value)
  • Line #5 shows how you replace 6 elements’ values with two values–the effects in this latter case is that the replacement values are alternated (probably not something you would want to do in real life). Notice also that over-writing the “z” value at the tail of the vector (introduced in #2) do not result in the vector being coerced back to an integer type
  • Finally, #6 shows what you cannot do, and tells you why

Now let’s replace list elements:

# Chunk 6
# #1
l2[[1]] <- c(1, 4)
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 1 4
# #2
l2$f[c(1, 10)] <- c(-1, 1000)
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#>  [1]   -1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 1000
# #3
l2[[3]][letters[1:4]] <- 1:4
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#>  1  2  3  4 86 42 13 81 58 50
# #4
l2$myfun <- function(x) x * 10  
#> $e
#> [1] 1
#> $f
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> $g
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#> 67 38  0 33 86 42 13 81 58 50
#> $e
#> [1] 1 4
#> $f
#>  [1]   -1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 1000
#> $g
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#>  1  2  3  4 86 42 13 81 58 50 
#> $myfun
#> function(x) x * 10

In Chunk 6 above, we compare changes to elements of the copy list l2 to the relevant elements of the original list l:

  • Line #1 replaces l2’s first element, a single element vector, with a two-element vector
  • Line #2 replaces the 1st and 10th element of the vector in the l2 element named f with -1 and 1000, respectively
  • Line #3 replaces elements named a, b, c, and d in the vector held in l2’s third element.
  • Line #4 Assigns a fourth element to l2 named myfun, which is a function we defined on the right of the operator.
# Chunk 7
#>  [1]   -10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90 10000

We’ll leave you to figure out what is happening in Chunk 7 for the questions below.

2.1.4 Practice Questions

  1. In 2.1.1, what class of object is a? Recreate a in your own script and apply a function to it to get the answer.
  2. In 2.1.2, Chunk 3 #3, #4, and #8, why do we have to use three sets of brackets to get access to the vector elements? Hint: pay attention to the first set of brackets.
  3. In 2.1.3, please describe (e.g. class, data structure, number of elements) a and l in Chunk #4.
  4. In 2.1.3 Chunk #7, please describe the operation that we just performed, and what objects are used in it. Code

  1. Create a vector a, with values 20:30, a vector b holding all letters in the alphabet.
  2. Assign letters as the names for vector a, such that a[1] gets the name “a”, a[2] gets named “b”, etc.
  3. Combine those vectors in to a list l, assigning names a and b to the two list elements
  4. Select from a as follows:
  • All values >= 26
  • The 1st and 7th element
  • The last element and the second to last element (extra marks if you use length to find both index numbers)
  1. Select from b the values named “a”, “c”, and “g”
  2. Select from l:
  • The first element by integer index
  • The first element by integer index, so that it returns as a 1-element list
  • All values in the element named a that are < than 25
  • All values in the element named a that are equal to 25
  • All values in the second element that are contained in the vector of letters c("d", "e", "f")

2.2 Two-dimensional structures

The two-dimensional structures of greatest interest to us are the matrix and data.frame. Indexing into these works in a similar fashion as with 1-d structures, in that you can index with integers, by name, and logically. However, in this case your setup is [r, c], where indexing is done row (r) and column (c).

2.2.1 matrix

Let’s start with a 5 row, 3-column integer matrix:

# Chunk 8
m <- cbind(1:5, 11:15, 21:25)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1   11   21
#> [2,]    2   12   22
#> [3,]    3   13   23
#> [4,]    4   14   24
#> [5,]    5   15   25
# #1
m[1, 1]  
#> [1] 1
# #2
m[2, 2]
#> [1] 12
# #3
m[1:2, 2:3]
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]   11   21
#> [2,]   12   22
# #4
m[c(1, 4), c(1, 3)]
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]    1   21
#> [2,]    4   24
# #5
m[-1, -3]
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]    2   12
#> [2,]    3   13
#> [3,]    4   14
#> [4,]    5   15
# #6
m[-c(1:4), -c(1:2)]
#> [1] 25

In #1, row 1, column 1 is selected, #2 is row 2, column 2, #3 is rows 1 and 2, columns 2 and 3, #4 is rows 1 and 4 and columns 2 and 3, while #5 and #6 are dropping different combinations of rows and columns, returning the remaining rows and columns.

Now let’s do it with names:

# Chunk 9
colnames(m) <- letters[1:3]
rownames(m) <- letters[1:5]
#>   a  b  c
#> a 1 11 21
#> b 2 12 22
#> c 3 13 23
#> d 4 14 24
#> e 5 15 25
# #1
m["a", "a"]
#> [1] 1
# #2
m[c("a", "d"), c("a", "b")]
#>   a  b
#> a 1 11
#> d 4 14
# #3
m[letters[c(1, 5)], letters[1:2]]
#>   a  b
#> a 1 11
#> e 5 15
# #4
m["a", -c("5")]
#> Error in -c("5"): invalid argument to unary operator
# #5
m["a", -(colnames(m) == "a")]
#>  b  c 
#> 11 21
# #6
m[-which(rownames(m) %in% c("a", "b", "c")), "a"]
#> d e 
#> 4 5

In Chunk 9 we assign names to the 5 rows and 3 columns of m, and use those names to extract different parts of the matrix. This should be fairly how this works by now, although in #3 you will notice how we use indexing into the letters vector to extract the actual row and column names, so that we don’t see them. #4 shows that you can’t use negative indexing on a column name (and also not on a row name). #5 and #6 shows how you could do negative indexing though:

  • Use colnames(m) to return the vector of m’s column names
  • Use the == operator to find which column names match a
  • Wrap in () and apply - to the result, which drops the column names meeting the TRUE condition

The same is done on row names in #6.

A matrix value can also be accessed with a single vector:

# Chunk 10
# #1
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# #2
#> [1] 11 12 13 14 15
# #3
#> [1] 21 22 23 24 25
# #4
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25
# #5
#> [1] 25

Looking at the examples above, you can see that the order of indexing is by row then column.

How about by logical indexing? We already sort of got a start with that in Chunk 1 (#5 and #6), but let’s have a look:

# Chunk 11
# #1
m[m[, 1] == 3, 1:3]
#>  a  b  c 
#>  3 13 23
# #2
m[m[, 2] > 11, 3]
#>  b  c  d  e 
#> 22 23 24 25
# #3
m[(m[, 1] > 3) & (m[, 2] < 15), 3]
#> [1] 24
# #4
m[(m[, "a"] > 3) & (m[, "b"] < 15), 2:3]
#>  b  c 
#> 14 24
# #5
m[!m[, "a"] %in% 3:5, 1:3]
#>   a  b  c
#> a 1 11 21
#> b 2 12 22

In Chunk 11 #1 we search in m’s first column for the row that holds the value 3, and then use that to select the values on that row in columns 1-3, which is the equivalent of m[3, ] (because the values in m[, 1] correspond to the row numbers). #2 looks for all values >11 in column 2, but selects the values from column 3. #3 searches for values >3 in column 1 and values <15 in column 2, pulling out values from column 3. #4 does the same search using column names rather than column index integers, but pulls out values from columns 2 and 3. Finally, #5 introduces the operator !, which, when combined with %in% is used to identify the rows in column a (1) that do not match the values 3, 4, or 5, and then subset the values in columns 1-3 (a, b, and c).

2.2.2 data.frame

We now know that a data.frame is a matrix that contains more than one data type. It is also a column-bound list. When it comes to indexing, data.frame is very similar to matrix, but also has some differences.

d <- data.frame(a = letters[1:4], b = 1:4, c = runif(n = 4, min = 0, max = 20))
#>   a b         c
#> 1 a 1  5.310173
#> 2 b 2  7.442478
#> 3 c 3 11.457067
#> 4 d 4 18.164156
#> 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ a: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d"
#>  $ b: int  1 2 3 4
#>  $ c: num  5.31 7.44 11.46 18.16 A word on factors

One thing to point out about data.frame is that it used to, prior to R4.0, default to treating a character variable as a factor. Here is a definition:

Conceptually, factors are variables in R which take on a limited number of different values; such variables are often refered to as categorical variables. One of the most important uses of factors is in statistical modeling; since categorical variables enter into statistical models differently than continuous variables, storing data as factors insures that the modeling functions will treat such data correctly.

Factors in R are stored as a vector of integer values with a corresponding set of character values to use when the factor is displayed. The factor function is used to create a factor. The only required argument to factor is a vector of values which will be returned as a vector of factor values. Both numeric and character variables can be made into factors, but a factor’s levels will always be character values. You can see the possible levels for a factor through the levels command.

Although I usually don’t use them, and prefer to have non-numeric represented as characters, factors are still widely used, and you may still sometimes encounter. And if you are loading a dataset made with an older R version, chances are the data.frame might have a factor variable in there. If you encounter a factor and don’t want it, you can always change it to a character:

d2 <- data.frame(a = letters[1:4], b = 1:4, 
                 c = runif(n = 4, min = 0, max = 20), 
                 stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#> 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ a: Factor w/ 4 levels "a","b","c","d": 1 2 3 4
#>  $ b: int  1 2 3 4
#>  $ c: num  5.31 7.44 11.46 18.16

d2$a <- as.character(d2$a)
#> 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ a: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d"
#>  $ b: int  1 2 3 4
#>  $ c: num  5.31 7.44 11.46 18.16

And you can change a character to a factor:

d2 <- data.frame(a = letters[1:4], b = 1:4, 
                 c = runif(n = 4, min = 0, max = 20))
#> 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ a: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d"
#>  $ b: int  1 2 3 4
#>  $ c: num  5.31 7.44 11.46 18.16

d2$a <- as.factor(d2$a)
#> 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ a: Factor w/ 4 levels "a","b","c","d": 1 2 3 4
#>  $ b: int  1 2 3 4
#>  $ c: num  5.31 7.44 11.46 18.16 Indexing differences compared to matrix

Because data.frames are lists:

#> [1] TRUE

They are indexed differently. The first major difference is that $ and [[ can be used on a data.frame:

# Chunk 12
# #1
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #2
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #3
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# #4
#> Error in m$a: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
# #5
#> Error in m[["a"]]: subscript out of bounds
# #6
#> [1] 1
# #7
#> Error in m[[1:3]]: attempt to select more than one element in vectorIndex

See how both $ and [[ allow an entire column to be extract from d (#1, #2, #3). In comparison, $ doesn’t work with matrix m (#4), nor does [[ (#5-#7), except it can be used with an integer index to extract a single element (#6), but not multiple elements (#7).

The second major difference is that single vector indexing is applied to columns only in data.frames, not by row, column.

# Chunk 13
# #1
#>   a
#> 1 a
#> 2 b
#> 3 c
#> 4 d
# #2
d[c("a", "c")]
#>   a         c
#> 1 a  5.310173
#> 2 b  7.442478
#> 3 c 11.457067
#> 4 d 18.164156
# #3
#>   a b         c
#> 1 a 1  5.310173
#> 2 b 2  7.442478
#> 3 c 3 11.457067
#> 4 d 4 18.164156
# #4
#> Error in `[.data.frame`(d, 1:4): undefined columns selected

This is consistent with what saw earlier with 1-d lists, in that [ can be used with one- to multi-element vectors to extract multiple list elements (#1, #2, “3”); for data.frames, the list elements are the columns. So if you specify in your indexing vector a value that exceeds the number of columns in the data.frame, you get an error (#4), because you are asking for something that doesn’t exist.

Now let’s look subsetting data.frames with logical indexing, which is also typically done differently then with a matrix:

# Chunk 14
# #1
d[d$a %in% c("a", "c"), "c"]
#> [1]  5.310173 11.457067
# #2
d[d$a %in% c("a", "c"), c("a", "c")]
#>   a         c
#> 1 a  5.310173
#> 3 c 11.457067
# #3
d[d$b > 2 & d$c < 18, 1:3]
#>   a b        c
#> 3 c 3 11.45707
# #4
d[d["b"] > 2 & d["c"] < 18, 1:3]
#>   a b        c
#> 3 c 3 11.45707
# #5
d[d[, "b"] > 2 & d[, "c"] < 18, 1:3]
#>   a b        c
#> 3 c 3 11.45707

Notice how the $ is used to specify the column name(s) used in logical indexing (#1, #2, #3), which is the more convenient and (I think) common way of logical indexing with data.frames. You can also use the [x] (#4) or [, x] (#5, same as with matrix) syntax.

2.2.3 Changing values

We’ll keep this short and sweet, because the concepts are pretty close to what we use for 1-D structures. Here it is for matrix:

# Chunk 15
# #1
m[1:4, 1:2] <- -9
#>    a  b  c
#> a -9 -9 21
#> b -9 -9 22
#> c -9 -9 23
#> d -9 -9 24
#> e  5 15 25
# #2
m[c("d", "e"), "c"] <- 0
#>    a  b  c
#> a -9 -9 21
#> b -9 -9 22
#> c -9 -9 23
#> d -9 -9  0
#> e  5 15  0
# #3
m[m[, "c"] == 0, 3] <- 24:25
#>    a  b  c
#> a -9 -9 21
#> b -9 -9 22
#> c -9 -9 23
#> d -9 -9 24
#> e  5 15 25
# #4
m[m == -9] <- c(1:4, 11:14)
#>   a  b  c
#> a 1 11 21
#> b 2 12 22
#> c 3 13 23
#> d 4 14 24
#> e 5 15 25
# #5
m[m < 5] <- "a"
#>   a   b    c   
#> a "a" "11" "21"
#> b "a" "12" "22"
#> c "a" "13" "23"
#> d "a" "14" "24"
#> e "5" "15" "25"

Changes to values in different rows/columns are made with fairly straightforward indexing in #1 and #2. In #3, we reset the change made in #2 by searching in column “c” for the rows containing 0s, and then we specify the column number to make sure that just the 0 values in rows 4 and 5 in column 3 (“c”) are replaced with 24 and 25 their original values. A more efficient way of doing that might have been the approach used in #4, where we don’t index a column value, and leverage the fact that a matrix is simply a vector with two dimensions, searching for all -9 values within in m, and then replacing with their original values. We provide the replacement values in the order in which a matrix is indexed (by row then column). Finally, note how replacement with a character (#5) changes the entire matrix to character.

Here is replacement with a data.frame:

# Chunk 16
# #1
d[d$b <= 2, "a"] <- "zzz"
#>     a b         c
#> 1 zzz 1  5.310173
#> 2 zzz 2  7.442478
#> 3   c 3 11.457067
#> 4   d 4 18.164156
# #2
d[d["a"] == "zzz", "a"] <- letters[1:2]
# #3
ds <- d[d$b >= 2 & d$c < 18, 2:3]
d[d$b >= 2 & d$c < 18, 2:3] <- 11:14
#>   a  b         c
#> 1 a  1  5.310173
#> 2 b 11 13.000000
#> 3 c 12 14.000000
#> 4 d  4 18.164156
# #4
d[d$b >= 11 & d$c <= 14, 2:3] <- ds
#>   a b         c
#> 1 a 1  5.310173
#> 2 b 2  7.442478
#> 3 c 3 11.457067
#> 4 d 4 18.164156
# #5
d[[3]] <- 10^d$b
#>   a b     c
#> 1 a 1    10
#> 2 b 2   100
#> 3 c 3  1000
#> 4 d 4 10000

In Chunk 16 above, #1 and #2 should make sense. In #3, we start to get a bit more tricksy. We first create a new data.frame, ds, which is a logically selected subset of columns b and c. We then overwrite the same subset in d with the vector 11:14. In #4, we use ds to reset d. Finally, in #5, we show how the 3rd column of d can be replaced using [[ notation for indexing, and we use the 10 to the power of (^) of d$b to create the replacement values.

2.2.4 Subsetting and replacement with dplyr

Now that we have seen how to index/subset data.frames, we’ll look at how that is done with dplyr. It is quite different. First, read about the dplyr grammar, which provides a set of “verbs” that are designed to replace many of the base R approaches for manipulating data.frames, including how you index them (you may also wish to read the chapter on data transformation in R For Data Science).

Here we will focus on just indexing and replacement, using a slighly larger version of d, noting the dplyr works on data.frames as well as tibble:

# Chunk 17
d <- data.frame(a = letters[1:7], b = 1:7, c = runif(n = 7, min = 0, max = 20))
#>   a b         c
#> 1 a 1  5.310173
#> 2 b 2  7.442478
#> 3 c 3 11.457067
#> 4 d 4 18.164156
#> 5 e 5  4.033639
#> 6 f 6 17.967794
#> 7 g 7 18.893505
# #1
d %>% filter(a %in% c("a", "e")) %>% select(a, b)
#>   a b
#> 1 a 1
#> 2 e 5
# #2
d %>% filter(c > 7 & c < 18) %>% select(-b)
#>   a         c
#> 1 b  7.442478
#> 2 c 11.457067
#> 3 f 17.967794
# #3
d %>% filter(a == "c")
#>   a b        c
#> 1 c 3 11.45707
# 4
d %>% slice(c(1:2, 7))
#>   a b         c
#> 1 a 1  5.310173
#> 2 b 2  7.442478
#> 3 g 7 18.893505

A bunch of new stuff up there, which is first noticeable in #1:

  • First, there’s the %>%, which is the “pipe” operator, which dplyr imports from magrittr (a tidyverse package). It passes (or pipes) whatever is on the lefthand side to the operation defined on the right-hand side, which allows one to chain together multiple operations in a single command sequence
  • We pipe d to dplyr’s filter function, which is used to find rows based on their values. We use the same sort of logical indexing syntax as in our previous subsetting examples, in this case looking for values “a” and “e” in column a. However, one difference is that we don’t have to wrap a in quotes. This is a feature of dplyr functions, which makes coding more efficient
  • Having found the matching rows, we then narrow our selection to just columns a and b by using the select function to pull the columns we want. Note that we don’t have to wrap a and b in quotes, or within a c()

In #2 we see how we find values in c that fall between 7 and 18, and then select columns a and c by negative reference on b. Note that dplyr::select allows the negative reference to be applied right to the column name, which you can’t do in a matrix or data.frame

In #3 using filter without select simply returns the matching row across all columns. #4 introduces the slice function, which lets us select by row number.

How about replacement?

# Chunk 18
# #1
d %>% mutate(a = ifelse(a %in% c("a", "e"), "zzz", a))
#>     a b         c
#> 1 zzz 1  5.310173
#> 2   b 2  7.442478
#> 3   c 3 11.457067
#> 4   d 4 18.164156
#> 5 zzz 5  4.033639
#> 6   f 6 17.967794
#> 7   g 7 18.893505
# #2 
d %>% mutate(a = ifelse(a %in% c("a", "e"), "zzz", a), 
             c = ifelse(c > 7 & c < 18, -9999, c))
#>     a b            c
#> 1 zzz 1     5.310173
#> 2   b 2 -9999.000000
#> 3   c 3 -9999.000000
#> 4   d 4    18.164156
#> 5 zzz 5     4.033639
#> 6   f 6 -9999.000000
#> 7   g 7    18.893505
# #3
d %>% mutate(a = ifelse(a %in% c("a", "e"), "zzz", a)) %>%  
  mutate(c = ifelse(c > 7 & c < 18, -9999, c)) %>% 
  mutate(b = b + 10) %>% 
  mutate(d = b^2)
#>     a  b            c   d
#> 1 zzz 11     5.310173 121
#> 2   b 12 -9999.000000 144
#> 3   c 13 -9999.000000 169
#> 4   d 14    18.164156 196
#> 5 zzz 15     4.033639 225
#> 6   f 16 -9999.000000 256
#> 7   g 17    18.893505 289

dplyr::mutate is used to change values in a data.frame. In cases where you just want to change a subset of values, and leave the rest of the data.frame as is, you combine mutate with ifelse.

In #1, we use mutate to change the values “a” and “e” in a to “zzz”. Let’s translate into plain language what ifelse is doing: if any of a’s values are the same as those in this vector containing “a” and “e”, then change them to “zzz”, else just keep the values as they are.

In #2 we change values in both a and c, using two ifelse statements in a single call to mutate.

In #3 we chain together four separate calls to update specific rows in a, b, and c, and to add a fourth column d (the square of b).

So that’s a brief look at subsetting and replacement with dplyr. We’ll build on that moving forward.

2.2.5 Practice Questions

  1. What happens if you update an integer vector with a character?
  2. What happens if you have an integer matrix m with 10 rows and columns “a” and “b”, and you replace the fourth row of “b” with “zzz”? What would happen if m is a data.frame? 3 Name two ways that indexing a data.frame differs from a matrix. Code

  1. Create a matrix m with 10 rows and 3 columns. Make the 1st column have values 1:10, the second column 11:20, and the third 21:30
  2. Select rows 4 and 5 and columns 2 and 3 from the matrix
  3. Name the matrix columns “a”, “b”, and “c”
  4. Select the values from column “b” that are greater than 14 and less than or equal to 18
  5. Convert m to a data.frame d
  6. Select from d$a the values >4 and replace them with the value -1
  7. Replace the values in column c with the first 10 letter of the alphabet
  8. Combine m and d into a list l. Select rows 2 and 3 from column b from the element containg d of list l
  9. Use dplyr::filter to select the values between 14 and 18 from column b of d.

3 Calculating

One of the most basic, but useful, ways we can use R data objects is to provide inputs for simple calculations, i.e. to use R as a calculator.

This is reasonably simple. There are of course a ton of base operators and functions that allow this:

a <- 1:10
log(a)  # natural log
#>  [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101
#>  [8] 2.0794415 2.1972246 2.3025851
exp(log(a))  # inverse of natural log
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
10^a  # exponents
#>  [1] 1e+01 1e+02 1e+03 1e+04 1e+05 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08 1e+09 1e+10
log10(10^a)  # log base 10
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
(a * 100) %% 3  # modulo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation)
#>  [1] 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1
sqrt(a)  # square root
#>  [1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000 2.236068 2.449490 2.645751 2.828427
#>  [9] 3.000000 3.162278
pi * a^2  # areas with built in pi constant
#>  [1]   3.141593  12.566371  28.274334  50.265482  78.539816 113.097336
#>  [7] 153.938040 201.061930 254.469005 314.159265

Let’s look at it though for calculations on different kinds of objects:

# Chunk 19
b <- 1:5
m <- cbind(v1 = 1:5, v2 = 11:15)
#>      v1 v2
#> [1,]  1 11
#> [2,]  2 12
#> [3,]  3 13
#> [4,]  4 14
#> [5,]  5 15
m2 <- cbind(c(10, 20), c(5, 10))
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]   10    5
#> [2,]   20   10
d <- data.frame(m, v3 = 101:105, v4 = letters[1:nrow(m)],
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#>   v1 v2  v3 v4
#> 1  1 11 101  a
#> 2  2 12 102  b
#> 3  3 13 103  c
#> 4  4 14 104  d
#> 5  5 15 105  e
# #1
b * m 
#>      v1 v2
#> [1,]  1 11
#> [2,]  4 24
#> [3,]  9 39
#> [4,] 16 56
#> [5,] 25 75
# #2
b[length(b)] * m
#>      v1 v2
#> [1,]  5 55
#> [2,] 10 60
#> [3,] 15 65
#> [4,] 20 70
#> [5,] 25 75
# #3
b[c(1, 5)] * m
#>      v1 v2
#> [1,]  1 55
#> [2,] 10 12
#> [3,]  3 65
#> [4,] 20 14
#> [5,]  5 75
# #4
m * m
#>      v1  v2
#> [1,]  1 121
#> [2,]  4 144
#> [3,]  9 169
#> [4,] 16 196
#> [5,] 25 225
# #5
m * m2
#> Error in m * m2: non-conformable arrays
# #6
m * m2[, 1]
#>      v1  v2
#> [1,] 10 220
#> [2,] 40 120
#> [3,] 30 260
#> [4,] 80 140
#> [5,] 50 300
# #7
d * m
#> Error in FUN(left, right): non-numeric argument to binary operator
# #8
d[, 1:3] * m
#>   v1  v2  v3
#> 1  1 121 101
#> 2  4 144 204
#> 3  9 169 309
#> 4 16 196 416
#> 5 25 225 525
# #9
d[1, 1:3] * m[nrow(m), 1]
#>   v1 v2  v3
#> 1  5 55 505
d$v1 * m
#>      v1 v2
#> [1,]  1 11
#> [2,]  4 24
#> [3,]  9 39
#> [4,] 16 56
#> [5,] 25 75
# 11
d$v1 * m2
#> Warning in d$v1 * m2: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter
#> object length
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): dims [product 4] do not match the length of object [5]

In Chunk 19 above we define a vector b (5 elements), matrices m (5 rows, 2 columns) and m2 (2 rows, 2 columns), and d, a data.frame (5 rows, 3 integer variables, 1 character variable).

In #1 we multiply m and b. Notice that each element of b is multiplied with the corresponding row number of each column in m, i.e. b[1] is multiplied with m[1, 1], b[2] with m[2, 1], all the way to b[5] with m[5, 1]. This matching is repeated for column 2: b[1] * m[1, 2]; b[2] * m[2, 2]; …; b[5] * m[5, 2]. In #2 we pull out the last element of b and multiply m by that one number. In #3, we multiply the 1st and 5th element of b with m. Notice the order of calculations.

In #4 we multiply m by itself. Multiplying a m2 by m fails because the row numbers in both do not match. We can, however, multiply m by one column of m2 (#6), which is dimensionally equivalent to the example in #3.

Multiplying a data.frame that mixes numeric and character data with a numeric matrix (#7) fails, because characters are not calculable. If we drop the character column, however, we see that it works (#8). Note the order of operations here: d[, 1] is multiplied with m[, 1], and d[, 2] with m[, 2], but d[, 3] is multiplied with with m[, 1]. The number of columns are mismatched, so m’s columns are recycled. This means that dimensional mismatches in terms of column numbers do not prevent calculations between 2-d structures, but row mismatches do.

In #9 we see we how we can subset values from d and m and multiply them. #10 shows how we extract a variable from d into a vector and multiply that by m. #11 shows what happens when a mismatch between the number of vector elements and rows occurs.

We can also apply base operators/functions to 2-d structures:

#>             v1       v2
#> [1,] 0.0000000 2.397895
#> [2,] 0.6931472 2.484907
#> [3,] 1.0986123 2.564949
#> [4,] 1.3862944 2.639057
#> [5,] 1.6094379 2.708050
d[, 1:3]^2
#>   v1  v2    v3
#> 1  1 121 10201
#> 2  4 144 10404
#> 3  9 169 10609
#> 4 16 196 10816
#> 5 25 225 11025
#>          [,1]     [,2]
#> [1,] 3.162278 2.236068
#> [2,] 4.472136 3.162278

There are also four useful function to know that provide row and column summaries of 2-d structures:

# Chunk 20
rowSums(m)  # sum of each row
#> [1] 12 14 16 18 20
colSums(m)  # sum of each column
#> v1 v2 
#> 15 65
rowMeans(m)  # mean of each row
#> [1]  6  7  8  9 10
colMeans(m)  # mean of each column
#> v1 v2 
#>  3 13

The names should be self-explanatory, but the commments next to each line explain what is happening.

That’s just a brief introduction to calculations with R. We have shown only a small number of possible calculations that you can apply to a handful of example 1- and 2-d data structures. We will leave it to you to explore others (see questions below).

One thing that is important to point out, which is described well in rspatial.org’s introduction to R, is that we are able to do this calculations without writing control structures because R vectorizes these operations. In most other languages you would have to write loops to make sure the calculations were applied across elements in the structure. For example, in python, the base language requires this, and if you want to be able to do matrix algebra as we have done here with base R, you need to use the numpy package.

This vectorization therefore is advantageous in terms of reducing the amount of code that has to be written. Vectorized operations are also faster, so when you are writing more complex, it is always helpful to try rely on R built in vectorization as much as possible.

3.1 Practice

3.1.1 Questions

  1. In Chunk 19 #3 explain the order of calculations.
  2. In Chunk 19 #8, what would the order of calculations be if m had 3 columns?
  3. In Chunk 19 #9, describe the dimensions of the subsets extracted from d and m, and the order of calculations.

3.1.2 Code

  1. Repeat the code in Chunk 19, but replace multiplication with division, addition, and subtraction
  2. Find the sine and cosine of matrix m
  3. For the rowSums, colSums, rowMeans, and colMeans of the numeric subset of d

4 Control structures

Although we just heard about vectorized operations, and how they make it unnecessary for us to write control structures such as loops, we’ll end up having to use them eventually. Certains operations just require control structures, or if they aren’t essential, they make our code much efficient.

One nice example: imagine you have 5 different spreadsheets containing data that you need to analyze. It is more efficient to write one block of code that reads all 5 datasets into a single list object, then to write 5 lines of code that reads each object into it own object (resulting in 5 objects).

Another example is a case where we need to select two different operations depending on a particular condition. If condition A is met, then we choose operation 1. Otherwise, if condition B is met, we choose operation 2.

We have already introduced some of these control structures in Module 2. Now we’ll learn how to use them.

We divide control structures into branching and looping structures, following rspatial.org. Let’s start with looping.

4.1 Looping

Looping is pretty straight-forward. You have a multi-element or multi-dimensional object, you need to perform a particular operation or set of operations on each dimension or element:

# Chunk 21
sscript <- c("st", "nd", "rd", "th")  # vector of superscripts  
for(i in 1:4) {  # for loop with iterator i over vector 1:4
  stmnt <- paste0(letters[i], " is the ", i, sscript[i],
                  " letter in the alphabet")
  print(stmnt)  # print statement
#> [1] "a is the 1st letter in the alphabet"
#> [1] "b is the 2nd letter in the alphabet"
#> [1] "c is the 3rd letter in the alphabet"
#> [1] "d is the 4th letter in the alphabet"

This is a somewhat silly example, but it shows how we iteratively construct a series of unique statements by grabbing values from two different objects. In this case, the two objects are sscript, a vector containing different ordinal superscripts, and letters. We combine them within a paste statement that sits within a for loop, which iterates over a vector 1:4. The for statement has an iterator variable i that holds the single value extracted from each iteration over 1:4, and passes it into the statements inside the {}. We use i as an index to extract the correct values from sscript and letters, and then combine them within a paste0 function, which concatenates the extracted values with text statements. We then have to use print to see the resulting statement (if we didn’t wrap stmnt in print, we wouldn’t see the result).

Note that we could actually have vectorized this operation:

paste0(letters[1:4], " is the ", 1:4, sscript, " letter in the alphabet")
#> [1] "a is the 1st letter in the alphabet"
#> [2] "b is the 2nd letter in the alphabet"
#> [3] "c is the 3rd letter in the alphabet"
#> [4] "d is the 4th letter in the alphabet"

But there might be cases in which you wouldn’t to, say if you wanted to construct a unique title for each plot in a multi-panel plot:

# Chunk 22
sscript <- c("st", "nd", "rd", "th")  # vector of superscripts  
par(mfrow = c(1, 4), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0.5))
for(i in 1:4) {  
  stmnt <- paste0(letters[i], " is the ", i, sscript[i],
                  " letter in the alphabet")
  plot(1:4, rep(3, 4), ylim = c(1, 5), pch = letters[1:4], axes = FALSE,
       xlab = "", ylab = "", main = stmnt, cex = 2) 
  points(i, 3, pch = letters[i], col = "red", cex = 2)

That’s a silly example of plotting, but I think illustrates a common use case for a for loop. In the example above, our statement is passed into the “main” argument of the print function, which is used to add a title to a plot.

How about another example:

# Chunk 23
dat_list <- list(data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 21:30), 
                 data.frame(a = 31:40, b = 41:50),
                 data.frame(a = 51:60, b = 61:70))
for(i in dat_list) print(rowSums(i))
#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130

Here we combined three data.frames in a list and then iterate over the list elements, and calculate the rowSums for each data.frame. Note that in this case the iterator i contains the entire data.frame, not just an index integer, so we apply rowSums to i. Also see how we do not wrap the print(rowSums(i)) in {} and keep it on the same line. We could also write it these ways:

# Chunk 24
for(i in dat_list) {  ### Use this one 
#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
for(i in dat_list) {print(rowSums(i))}  # not this
#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
for(i in dat_list)  # nor this  
#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
for(i in dat_list) # especially not this

#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
for(i in dat_list) # just no
#>  [1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
#>  [1] 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
#>  [1] 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130

The first one is the preferred way for writing for loops, and should be used for almost all cases. The 1-line variant in Chunk 3 can be used when a single line command that fits on one 80 character-width line is all that is needed. The other four variants in Chunk 24 should not be used, even if they work, particularly the last two.

I almost never use while loops, and we won’t have much call for them here, so if you want to see an example, please refer back to the control structures module in Module 2. There are also break and next structures, which I don’t use too much, but I suggest you read about here here. break gets you out of a loop, and next let’s you skip iterations.

4.2 Branching

Branching structures let you choose different paths for your code to follow, given specific conditions. We have already seen these in the first functions we have written, so we will look at some examples within loops, which is where they tend to be most useful:

# Chunk 25
for(i in 1:20) {
  if(i %in% seq(5, 20, by = 5)) {
    print(paste(i, "is divisible by 5"))
  if(i == 10) {
    print(paste(i, "is halfway to 20"))
  if(i == 20) {
    print(paste(i, "is the last number. Finished!"))
#> [1] "5 is divisible by 5"
#> [1] "10 is divisible by 5"
#> [1] "10 is halfway to 20"
#> [1] "15 is divisible by 5"
#> [1] "20 is divisible by 5"
#> [1] "20 is the last number. Finished!"

Above we iterate over 1:20, and put in three different if statements that trigger different statements depending on the i value. Notice, however, that we have two statements printed when i is 10 and 20.

# Chunk 26
for(i in 1:10) {
  if(i < 5) {  # condition 1
    print(paste(i, "is less than", i + 1))
  } else if(i >= 5 & i <= 7) {  # condition 2
    print(paste(i, "is between", i - 1, "and", i + 1))
  } else {  # remaining conditions
    print(paste(i, "is greater than", i - 1))
#> [1] "1 is less than 2"
#> [1] "2 is less than 3"
#> [1] "3 is less than 4"
#> [1] "4 is less than 5"
#> [1] "5 is between 4 and 6"
#> [1] "6 is between 5 and 7"
#> [1] "7 is between 6 and 8"
#> [1] "8 is greater than 7"
#> [1] "9 is greater than 8"
#> [1] "10 is greater than 9"

In this example, we use else to make sure that only one statement can be generated for a given number, depending on its value. The first if prints a statement for i < 5. It only requires an if. The second statement uses an else if to specify a second condition that triggers a print statement (i falling within the set 5-7). The third uses just a single else, which means that any values not meeting the first or second condition are printed. There is another way of using if and else together:

# Chunk 27
a <- 1:10
# #1 
ifelse(a < 7, "<", ">=")
#>  [1] "<"  "<"  "<"  "<"  "<"  "<"  ">=" ">=" ">=" ">="
# #2
b <- ifelse(a < 7, 0, a)
#>  [1]  0  0  0  0  0  0  7  8  9 10

That is the ifelse statement, which applies a conditional statement to a vector, and returns the result as applied to each element. In #1 we see that values of a less than 7 are returned with the “<” symbol, while values greater than or equal to 7 have the “>=” returned. #2 shows that you can capture this output in a new vector, which is quite handy when modifying results. Recall from 2.1.4 above that ifelse is used in dplyr::mutate to change values in an existing data.frame variable.

4.2.1 Practice Code

  1. Copy Chunk 21’s code. Change the iterator vector to 1:5 and re-run the code chunk. What happens? Do you need to make any changes to make a better result?
  2. Copy Chunk 22’s code.
  • Comment out the lines beginning with points and run the code to see what that line does
  • Delete the “axes = FALSE” part of the call to plot and see what does.
  1. Copy Chunk 26’s code:
  • Change the if statement within condition 2 such that i >= 3. Run it and inspect the result
  • Now change the second half of the statement so that i <= 8. What’s the result?
  1. Create a for loop that iterates over a vector 1:20. Insert a condition into it such that it only prints out a result when the iterator’s value is 11

4.3 *apply functions

The *apply functions are unique to R, and fairly central to the language. *apply functions are used to apply a function to each element a vector, and return the result as a vector. Because they are applying the function to each vector element, they are a kind of looping function. Their use is preferred to for loops (according to Hadley Wickam’s Advanced R), because they improve the quality and (often, but not always) the speed of code. They also make it much easier to capture the output resulting from the looping operation.

*apply functions are similar to the map functions that you get in python or JavaScript (see here and here for respective definitions in those languages). The tidyverse’s purrr also provides an R version of map, and there is the base R Map function as well (which is basically the same as mapply). However, we will learn here about *apply*, since they are a core part of R.

There are several flavors of *apply functions: apply, lapply, sapply, mapply, tapply, vapply. I only really use the first 3, and of those mostly just lapply, followed by sapply, and then apply. I don’t touch the other three, so I will focus on those.

4.3.1 lapply

Let’s start with lapply. lapply, according to Advanced R,

… takes a function, applies it to each element in a list, and returns the results in the form of a list

Let’s use our list of data.frames from the previous section to examine this:

lapply(dat_list, rowMeans)
#> [[1]]
#>  [1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#> [[2]]
#>  [1] 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
#> [[3]]
#>  [1] 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

It is taking the list dat_list and applying the function rowMeans to each element (a data.frame) in the list, returning the resulting answers in 3-element list. We can also capture the output of that quite easily in an object:

l <- lapply(dat_list, rowMeans)
#> [[1]]
#>  [1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#> [[2]]
#>  [1] 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
#> [[3]]
#>  [1] 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Contrast that construction with the equivalent for loop based construction:

l <- list()
for(i in 1:length(dat_list)) l[[i]] <- rowMeans(dat_list[[i]])
#> [[1]]
#>  [1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#> [[2]]
#>  [1] 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
#> [[3]]
#>  [1] 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

The for loop requires quite a bit more code. This includes needing to create a new object head of time to catch the output from each iteration.

You don’t have to pass a list to lapply. You can pass in any vector:

inverse_log10 <- function(x) 10^x
lapply(1:4, inverse_log10)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 10
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 100
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 1000
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 10000

But you will get the output of the function as a list. If you don’t want the output as a list, then you could use sapply (see the next section), or do this:

unlist(lapply(1:4, inverse_log10))
#> [1]    10   100  1000 10000

unlist does what it sees–it converts the list back to a vector.

Sometimes setting up an lapply is not so simple as specifying the list/vector and the function you want to apply to it. In this case you need to make use of what is known as an anonymous function:

# Chunk 28
dat_list <- lapply(1:length(dat_list), function(x) {
  d <- dat_list[[x]]
  d[1:3, 1] <- -99
#> [[1]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  -99 21
#> 2  -99 22
#> 3  -99 23
#> 4    4 24
#> 5    5 25
#> 6    6 26
#> 7    7 27
#> 8    8 28
#> 9    9 29
#> 10  10 30
#> [[2]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  -99 41
#> 2  -99 42
#> 3  -99 43
#> 4   34 44
#> 5   35 45
#> 6   36 46
#> 7   37 47
#> 8   38 48
#> 9   39 49
#> 10  40 50
#> [[3]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  -99 61
#> 2  -99 62
#> 3  -99 63
#> 4   54 64
#> 5   55 65
#> 6   56 66
#> 7   57 67
#> 8   58 68
#> 9   59 69
#> 10  60 70

The anonymous function here is function(x). An anonymous function is simply one that is not assigned a name (you can read about them here in more detail). The reason we use them is because:

The pieces of x are always supplied as the first argument to f. If you want to vary a different argument, you can use an anonymous function.

That is, because the function is set up as lapply(x, f), if either function f or the values of x fed to f won’t do what we want them to do, we might need to specify something a bit more complicated within a new function. In the example in Chunk 28, the goal was to specify a fixed subset (rows 1-3 in column 1) of each data.frame in dat_list and change the values to -99. So we created the anonymous function that used the argument x to iterate over the list’s integer index so that we could extract and modify each data.frame, return the updated values, and overwrite the original dat_list with the new values. This is using function(x) in conceptually the same way as the i in in a for loop, and, at least for me, is the most common way to use anonymous functions with *apply.

You could of course specify your highly customized function that does the modification you want outside the lapply:

# Chunk 29
dat_modify <- function(x) {
  x[1:3, 1] <- 999
dat_list <- lapply(dat_list, dat_modify)
#> [[1]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  999 21
#> 2  999 22
#> 3  999 23
#> 4    4 24
#> 5    5 25
#> 6    6 26
#> 7    7 27
#> 8    8 28
#> 9    9 29
#> 10  10 30
#> [[2]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  999 41
#> 2  999 42
#> 3  999 43
#> 4   34 44
#> 5   35 45
#> 6   36 46
#> 7   37 47
#> 8   38 48
#> 9   39 49
#> 10  40 50
#> [[3]]
#>      a  b
#> 1  999 61
#> 2  999 62
#> 3  999 63
#> 4   54 64
#> 5   55 65
#> 6   56 66
#> 7   57 67
#> 8   58 68
#> 9   59 69
#> 10  60 70

Which you see is done here (changing the value in the same subset to 999, instead of -99, for contrast), but if it is a once-off function that is doing something highly customized, it can be more readable–and add less clutter to your environment–to use the anonymous function approach.

Here’s a slightly more complicated example, annotated with comments:

# Chunk 30
dat_list2 <- c(dat_list, mean)  # add another element to dat_list
lapply(1:length(dat_list2), function(x) {  
  d <- dat_list2[[x]]  # extract element of list
  if(is.data.frame(d)) {  # check if it is a data.frame
    d[d == 999] <- NA  # convert any 999 values to NA 
    o <- c(colSums(d, na.rm = TRUE), # column sums, dropping NAs
           "total" = sum(d, na.rm = TRUE)) #  sum dropping NAs
  } else { # if it is not a data.frame, make an error statement
    o <- paste("Operation not valid for a", class(d))  
  return(o)  # return result
#> [[1]]
#>     a     b total 
#>    49   255   304 
#> [[2]]
#>     a     b total 
#>   259   455   714 
#> [[3]]
#>     a     b total 
#>   399   655  1054 
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "Operation not valid for a standardGeneric"

In this example, we create a new list by concatenating a function to the existing dat_list list (yes, c() works for adding elements to lists). We then use lapply to iterate over each element of that list, using an anonymous function. We set up a conditional statement to check whether the extract list element d is a data.frame (is.data.frame), and, if the answer to that is TRUE, we then identify the values in d that equal 999, and set them to NA, and then calculate both the column sums and total sum of d, using the argument na.rm = TRUE to drop NA values from the calculations. If d is not a data.frame, then we note which class the element’s object is and say that the operation is not valid.

So, there are several functions and control structures being applied to the elements of dat_list2, so we need the flexibility of an anonymous function.

One more example:

# Chunk 31
flist <- list(mean, sd, range)
lapply(1:3, function(x) flist[[x]](unlist(dat_list[[1]])))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 165.05
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 359.5413
#> [[3]]
#> [1]   4 999

The first step above entails creating a list of three functions that we want to apply to the first element of dat_list. So we use the anonymous function to iterate over the functions in flist, and apply them to dat_list[[1]]. Note the unlist() that we wrap around it–we do that because mean and sd can’t be applied to lists (and a data.frame is a list), so we convert it to a vector first.

4.3.2 sapply

sapply is an lapply that figures out which data structure it should return its output in. It tries to find the most compact possible form and return that as output

# Chunk 32
# #1 
sapply(dat_list, rowSums)
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3]
#>  [1,] 1020 1040 1060
#>  [2,] 1021 1041 1061
#>  [3,] 1022 1042 1062
#>  [4,]   28   78  118
#>  [5,]   30   80  120
#>  [6,]   32   82  122
#>  [7,]   34   84  124
#>  [8,]   36   86  126
#>  [9,]   38   88  128
#> [10,]   40   90  130
# #2 
sapply(dat_list, colSums)
#>   [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> a 3046 3256 3396
#> b  255  455  655
# #3
sapply(1:3, function(x) sum(unlist(dat_list[[x]])))
#> [1] 3301 3711 4051
# #4 
sapply(1:3, function(x) flist[[x]](unlist(dat_list[[1]])))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 165.05
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 359.5413
#> [[3]]
#> [1]   4 999

In #1, we use sapply to apply rowSums to dat_list. It produces a matrix that holds the row sums from each data.frame in dat_list in a separate column. #2 apply colSums, returning 2X3 matrix in which the columns again hold the results for each data.frame, while the rows hold the column sums for each column from each data.frame. #4 uses sapply with an anonymous function to iterate over dat_list and unlist each data.frame so that sum can be applied to it. Since the answer for each iteration is a single number, the output is produced as a vector of length 3 (1 element per list element). Finally, we reuse the code in Chunk 31, swapping in sapply for lapply, and apply flist again. The first two elements of flist (mean and sd) produce a single output, but the third (range) produces two values (the minimum and maximum). That means the dimensions of the results from each iteration are not equal. sapply thus returns a list because elements of unequal dimensions cannot be combined into a matrix or a vector.

4.3.3 apply

This is a fairly restrictive form of this family (in my opinion), which is mainly used to apply functions over the rows or columns of 2-D structures.

# Chunk 33
dat <- dat_list[[2]]
# #1
apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
#>  [1] 1040 1041 1042   78   80   82   84   86   88   90
# #2
apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum)
#>    a    b 
#> 3256  455
# #3
apply(dat, 1, mean)
#>  [1] 520.0 520.5 521.0  39.0  40.0  41.0  42.0  43.0  44.0  45.0
# #4
apply(dat, 2, range)
#>        a  b
#> [1,]  34 41
#> [2,] 999 50
# #5
apply(dat, 1, function(x) sum(x) / sum(dat))
#>  [1] 0.28024791 0.28051738 0.28078685 0.02101859 0.02155753 0.02209647
#>  [7] 0.02263541 0.02317435 0.02371328 0.02425222

We start by extracting one data.frame from dat_list, and then use various flavors of apply on that. In #1 and #2, we use the argument names for clarity (use ?apply) to view them. #1 applies sum to each row of dat, #2 to each column (i.e. the exact same thing as rowSums and colSums). #3 takes the row means (i.e. the analog to rowMeans), and #4 the range of values in each column. In the last case, apply is more useful because there is no rowRanges function that provides a simpler version. In #5 we use an anonymous function to take the row sums of dat and divide them by the total sum of dat, which gives us a weighted mean.

4.3.4 When should I use for versus *apply?

We have already heard that *apply is preferred in R, but for is still useful, and different useRs answers will vary. My own personal answer to this is to use an *apply if you want to capture the output of a looping operation in an object (i.e. in most cases), and use for when you don’t need to catch it. For me, this typically relates to when I need to make multi-panel plots using base R graphics, e.g. 

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
for(i in 1:3) {
  dat <- dat_list[[i]]
  dat[dat > 100] <- mean(unlist(dat))
  plot(dat, pch = 20, col = c("red", "orange", "blue")[i], 
       main = paste("Element", i), xlim = c(0, 60), ylim = c(20, 70))

4.3.5 Practice

For this practice section, please install, attach, and initiate the swirl package using this code:


Answer the question it prompts:

What shall I call you?


| Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl.

Select Option 1: R Programming

| Please choose a lesson, or type 0 to return to course menu.

Select Option 10: lapply and sapply. Work through the whole unit, then escape out of swirl when finished, and do the remaining practice exercises: Code

  1. Copy and run Chunk 23 and 29’s code to recreate dat_list. Copy Chunk 30’s code and:
  • Set na.rm = FALSE in the call to colSums
  • Re-run the code to check how the answer changes.
  1. Copy Chunk 31’s code. Remove the unlist() around dat_list[[1]]. Re-run the code and see what happens.
  2. Write two lapply statements to apply the functions mean and sd to dat_list
  3. Do the same for sapply
  4. Write an lapply with an anonymous function that iterates through dat_list, selecting the 2nd column, rows 1 and 2 from each data.frame, and then sum that subset.

5 Unit assignment

5.1 Set-up

Make sure you are working in the main branch of your project. Create a new vignette named “module3.Rmd”. You will use this to document the tasks you undertake for this assignment. Rename the previous vignette “module1.Rmd”.

5.2 Create a new package function

Create a new function within your package, using roxygen2 notation to write help files (as done for your Assignment 1 function), and save the function in a separate .R file for each, named the same as the function contained therein

Name the new function my_calc, which will take three arguments, “x”, “y”, and “fun”, which stands for “function”. Arguments “x” and “y” will be vectors or matrices, while argument “fun” will have four possible values: “sum”, “subtract”, “divide”, “multiply”. Function my_calc will use conditional statements to choose the correct calculation to make based on the value given to “fun”. For example, if you pass to “x” a vector 1:5, and to “y” a vector c(5, 2, 3, 10, 2), and set “fun” to “divide”, you should get:

#> [1] 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.4 2.5

Here’s a related function that can be adapted for this purpose:

related_function <- function(x, fun) {
  if(fun == "log") {
    o <- log(x)
  } else if(fun == "square") {
    o <- x^2
  } else {
    o <- paste("Not a recognized function")

# Examples
a <- c(1, 10, 100, 1000)
b <- cbind(a, b = log10(a))
related_function(x = a, "log")
#> [1] 0.000000 2.302585 4.605170 6.907755
related_function(x = b, "square")
#>          a b
#> [1,] 1e+00 0
#> [2,] 1e+02 1
#> [3,] 1e+04 4
#> [4,] 1e+06 9
related_function(x = b, "cube")
#> [1] "Not a recognized function"

So you have to adapt the function by 1) adding a second argument for y, 2) changing the operations performed within the conditional statements, 3) the values of the arguments that “fun” responds to, as well as 4) the function name.

5.3 Vignette tasks

  1. Create the following vectors:

    • An integer vector of length 20, to be named v1, using the sample function to randomly select 20 values from 0 through 100, use the option “replace = TRUE” (which means that you can draw the same value more than one time)
    • A second integer vector (named v2), also of length 20, but selecting 20 values from the range 1:10.
    • A numeric vector of length 20 (named v3), using the runif function with the minimum set to 0 and the maximum to 1.
    • A character vector of length 20 (named v4), using randomly selected values from the built-in dataset LETTERS. You will use v2 to select the values out of LETTERS (this means that you are using v2 as an index).
    • In making v1, v2, v3, you will use the set.seed function so that you can get the exact same results each time you run your code to make them. Use a seed value of 1.
  2. Create a matrix m1 from v1 and v2, by binding the two vectors together as columns. Create another (m2) from v2 and v3, again by binding columns. Create a third (m3) by binding v3 and v4.

  3. Create a data.frame (named DF) by bindings the columns of v1, v2, v3, and v4.

    • Question: why shouldn’t you use the name “df” to name this object?
    • Change the column names of DF to “a”, “b”, “c”, and “grp”.
    • Question: why is it okay to rename a column in DF “c”, but not to rename v3 as c?
    • Look at the str of DF. What kind of data type is “grp”? How would you change it between character and factor and back again?
  4. Demonstrate the use of your new function:

    • Use my_calc to sum and divide the following pairs of objects:
      • v1, v2
      • v2, v3
      • v1, v3
      • m1, m1
      • m1, m2
    • Capture the output of each operation in objects d1 through d5 for the divisions, and s1 through s5 for the sums.
    • Using my_calc with DF:
      • Multiply row1, column1 by row1, column2
      • Multiply rows 1-10, column 1-3 by rows1-10, columns 1-3
      • Divide the values in columns “a” and “b” by the values in column “c” of DF corresponding to the rows in “grp” that have values “E”. In selecting the columns, use their names, rather than their index numbers, to select them
    • Repeat the last of the aforementioned calculations, but this time do not use my_calc. Simply do it using the two DF subsets with the / operator
  5. Demonstrate the use of *apply:

    • Combine v1, m1, and m2 into a list l
    • Write an lapply that applies sum to l. This one does not need an anonymous function
    • Now write an lapply that iterates over the elements of l, and uses your my_calc to multiply each element of l by v2
    • Hints:
      • You will need to use an anonymous function
      • The interior of your function (i.e. the part between ({}) will use the my_calc function.
    • Do the same but with sapply

5.4 Assignment output

As with the previous assignment, this assignment should be delivered as an R package that:

  1. Has a vignettes, man, and R folder, with the necessary ingredients in them (“calculations” vignette, R function files, .Rd files for the function documentation)

  2. Has a DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file that shows that both your functions are exported. Fill out the DESCRIPTION file with your relevant details, a description of the package, etc. Also, use 3-digit version numbering. 0.0.0 is the initial version of your package. 0.0.X (where X means some integer in a sequence, 1 if this is your first minor update) is the updated version after a minor fix (a small bug corrected or documentation updated), 0.X.0 is an intermediate release (maybe you have added a new function or two), X.0.0 is a major release of a working version of the package.

  3. Can be installed with browsable vignettes using install_github.

  4. Code written according to Hadley Wickham’s R style guide. Points will be deducted for code that extends beyond 80 characters per line, does not follow naming conventions, etc.

  5. No extraneous files/folders in your repo.

  6. In writing your vignettes, make sure that the content of objects that result from each assigned task are printed into the vignette. For example, if you are asked to create a two column data.frame:

    This is wrong:

    a <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 1:10)

    This is right:

    a <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 1:10)
    #>     a  b
    #> 1   1  1
    #> 2   2  2
    #> 3   3  3
    #> 4   4  4
    #> 5   5  5
    #> 6   6  6
    #> 7   7  7
    #> 8   8  8
    #> 9   9  9
    #> 10 10 10
  7. Set up the code chunks in your vignette to look like this:

    ```{r, error = TRUE}

    That will allow any code errors (and there are some intentional ones you will find) to be recorded in vignette output without causing the knit to fail

  8. When complete, park the repo on a new side branch called “a2”

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