1 Module 1 practice answers
1.1 Practice 1
1.1.1 Questions
Answers here.
Assuming the
has x and y or lat/long coordinates, you apply the functionst_as_sf
with the “coords” argument set to specify which columns contain the x and y coordinates.sf::plot
by default plots one panel per variable. You can create a single panel by specifying the variable you want, or by using thest_geometry
argument to strip out the geometry from object. It also prevent distortions that sometimes occur when overlaying subsequent features on top of a base map.For a single point you provide an x and y coordinate, otherwise you give an input matrix containing x and y coordinates. A polygon requires that the last point pair in the matrix is the same as the first point pair, to close the polygon.
1.2 Practice 2
1.2.1 Questions
At least with this example, pretty negligible–well less than 1% mean absolute error. It might matter more in other places and with other scales though. The reason
knows how to estimate areas is because it invokeslwgeom::st_geod_area
, which calculates a geodetic surface area.Because for the time being
is a fair bit faster. However, this recent twitter thread suggests that may change soon.By using
that has break values based on those properties. In our example, we found the breaks usingquantile
and different probabilities/percentile levels that creating tertiles of area.
1.2.2 Code
plot(st_geometry(districts), col = "lightgrey")
farmers %>% filter(season == 2) %>% sample_n(200) %>% st_geometry() %>%
plot(col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
districts %>% st_transform(st_crs(roads)) %>% st_geometry() %>%
plot(col = "lightgrey")
roads %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.) / 1000)) %>%
filter(length > 50 & length < 100) %>% st_geometry() %>%
plot(col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
deciles <- function(x) quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1))
dist_deciles <- districts %>% mutate(area = as.numeric(st_area(.)) / 10^6) %>%
mutate(acls = cut(area, breaks = deciles(area), include.lowest = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(acls) %>% summarize(sum_area = sum(area))
# #2
cols <- heat.colors(10)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(st_geometry(dist_deciles), col = cols)
legend(x = "bottomright", pch = 15, col = cols, bty = "n",
legend = paste0(1:10, c("st", "nd", "rd", rep("th", 7))))
1.2.3 Practice 3 Questions
It changes features from one type to another (e.g. POLYGON to MULTIPOLYGON), either one specified by the user or the simplest possible common feature, if left unspecified. Casting is sometimes necessary to avoid mixed feature types that cause failures for subsequent operations.
runs under the hood ofsummarise.sf
, so asummarize
operation on ansf
will result in a merged/dissolved set of spatial features.It affects the order of the fields in the resulting unioned
object–the fields from the object passed to the “x” argument appear first. Code
coords <- cbind("x" = c(27, 27.5, 27.5, 27, 27),
"y" = c(-13, -13, -13.5, -13.5, -13))
pol2 <- st_polygon(x = list(coords)) %>% st_sfc %>% st_sf(ID = 1, crs = 4326)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(st_geometry(districts), col = "grey")
plot(pol2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)
pol2_int_dists <- st_intersection(pol2, districts)
districts[1] %>% plot(col = "grey", main = NULL)
pol2_int_dists[2] %>% plot(col = rainbow(nrow(pol2_int_dists)), add = TRUE)
is nearly 26 hectares larger
pol2_int_dists %>% st_area() %>% as.numeric() %>% sum() / 10000 -
pol2 %>% st_area() %>% as.numeric() %>% sum() / 10000
# Try compare the
farmers_alb %>% filter(season == 2) %>%
sample_n(size = 5) %>%
st_buffer(dist = 30000) %>%
st_geometry %>%
# With
farmers_alb %>%
filter(season == 2) %>%
st_sample(size = 5) %>%
st_buffer(dist = 30000) %>%
st_geometry %>%
roads_gt400 <- roads %>%
filter(as.numeric(st_length(.)) / 1000 > 400)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
st_transform(districts, st_crs(roads)) %>%
st_geometry %>%
plot(col = "grey", main = NULL)
roads_gt400 %>%
st_buffer(25000) %>%
plot(col = "green", add = TRUE)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
st_transform(districts, st_crs(roads)) %>%
st_geometry %>%
plot(col = "grey", main = NULL)
roads_gt400 %>% st_buffer(25000) %>%
plot(col = "tan", add = TRUE)
roads_gt400 %>% st_buffer(25000) %>%
st_sample(size = rep(20, nrow(.)), exact = TRUE) %>%
plot(col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
2 Module 2 practice answers
2.1 Practice 1
2.1.1 Questions
uses the S4 object-oriented system, wheresf
uses S3. Slots in S4 objects are accessed using the@
, the same function you would use for reading and writing a single-layer raster.stack and brick are terms leftover from the
package, which had separate functions fo r these. Forterra
, a stack might be still thought of as aspatRaster
made from multiple rasters stored in separation locations on disk into a single multi-layer object, whereas a brick is read from, or written to, a single file on disk.The output of
’s vectorization functions arevect
objects, so you have to convert them tosf
objects usingst_as_sf
2.1.2 Code
# recreate r, r2, r3
e <- ext(c("xmin" = 27, "xmax" = 29, "ymin" = -16, "ymax" = -14))
r <- rast(x = e, res = 0.25, crs = crs(districts))
values(r) <- sample(1:100, size = ncell(r), replace = TRUE) # 3
r2 <- r > 50
r3 <- r
values(r3) <- rnorm(n = ncell(r3), mean = 10, sd = 2)
r4 <- r3
values(r4) <- runif(n = ncell(r4), 0, 1)
r5 <- r4 > 0.5
s2 <- c(r, r2, r3, r4, r5)
names(s2) <- c("r", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5")
- We use
here, but you should use yournotebooks/data
zamr <- rast(x = ext(districts), crs = crs(districts), res = 0.2)
values(zamr) <- 1:ncell(zamr)
farmersr <- farmers %>%
distinct(uuid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
select(x, y) %>%
mutate(count = 1) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
rasterize(x = ., y = zamr, field = "count", fun = sum)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 4))
plot(st_union(districts), col = "grey", border = "grey")
terra::plot(farmersr, add = TRUE)
zamr_alb <- project(x = zamr, y = crs(roads), res = 20000, method = "near")
farmersr_alb <- project(x = farmersr, y = zamr_alb, method = "bilinear")
par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 4), mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(st_union(districts), col = "grey", border = "grey")
plot(farmersr, add = TRUE)
plot(st_transform(st_union(districts), crs(roads)), col = "grey",
border = "grey")
plot(farmersr_alb, add = TRUE)
# Note currently there is a bug in terra::plot when mixed with `sf` plots. A
# workaround is to coerse districts to vect and plot.
par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 4), mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(vect(st_union(districts)), col = "grey", border = "grey", axes = FALSE)
plot(farmersr, add = TRUE)
plot(vect(st_transform(st_union(districts), crs(roads))), col = "grey",
border = "grey", axes = FALSE)
plot(farmersr_alb, add = TRUE)
2.2 Practice 2
2.2.1 Questions
provides summary statistics over an entire layer;zonal
calculates statistics within pre-defined zones;focal
calculates statistics within a moving window.Use
method = bilinear
.You don’t. You have to resample them to a common resolution and extent first. And then you have to stack them (with
2.2.2 Code
as.Date("10-11-2017", "%m-%d-%Y")
as.Date("10-11-17", "%m-%d-%y")
as.Date("101117", "%m%d%y")
as.Date("10112017", "%m%d%Y")
farmersr2 <- farmers %>%
distinct(uuid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(count = 1) %>%
select(x, y, count) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
rasterize(., distsr, field = "count", fun = sum)
subtab <- zonal(farmersr2, distsr, fun = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
subst(distsr, from = subtab$ID, to = subtab$sum) %>% plot_noaxes
wmat3 <- matrix(1, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
wmat5 <- matrix(1, nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
fstack <- c(focal(x = chirpsz[[20]], w = wmat3, fun = sd),
focal(x = chirpsz[[20]], w = wmat5, fun = sd),
focal(x = chirpsz[[20]], w = wmat3, fun = max),
focal(x = chirpsz[[20]], w = wmat5, fun = max))
names(fstack) <- c("sd3", "sd5", "max3", "max5")
chirps_d57 <- chirpsz[[1]] %>%
crop(., ext(districts[57, ]))
s <- c(disagg(chirps_d57, fact = 5),
disagg(chirps_d57, fact = 5, method = "bilinear"))
names(s) <- c("d1", "d2")
2.3 Practice 3
2.3.1 Questions
Using the cut approach,with vector of breakpoints (e.g. quantiles) passed to
, or a reclassification matrix.spatSample
, using either the “random” or “stratified” methods. There is also “regular” as an option, and you can pass a weights vector when method is “stratified”.
2.3.2 Code
qtiles <- global(raintot, function(x) {
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.2), na.rm = TRUE)
plot_noaxes(classify(raintot, rcl = unlist(qtiles)))
randdistsr <- districts %>%
sample_n(size = 15) %>%
rasterize(., raintot)
newrandrain <- mask(raintot, randdistsr)
randsamp <- spatSample(x = newrandrain, size = 300, na.rm = TRUE)
ind <- spatSample(x = randdistsr, size = 300 / 15, cells = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
stratsamp <- newrandrain[ind[, 1]]
rand_rain_stats <- bind_rows(
tibble(rain = randsamp$sum, dat = "Simple"),
tibble(rain = stratsamp$sum, dat = "Stratified"),
) %>% drop_na
bp_theme <- theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "grey95"))
rand_rain_stats %>% ggplot() +
geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(y = rain, fill = dat), position = "dodge2") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightblue", "steelblue")) +
ggtitle("Rainfall distributions") + xlab(NULL) + ylab("mm") + bp_theme
2.4 Below still in raster format
2.5 Practice 4
2.5.1 Questions
function is your friend for this.Use
together combined withpaste
as needed for more complex labels.Make
matches the predictor names used by the model.
2.5.2 Code
demalb42 <- districts %>% filter(ID == 42) %>% st_transform(st_crs(roads)) %>%
crop(demalb, .)
vars <- c("slope", "aspect", "flowdir", "tri")
terrvars <- stack(lapply(1:length(vars), function(x) {
tv <- terrain(x = demalb42, opt = vars[x], unit = "degrees")
names(terrvars) <- vars
# #1
raintotalb <- projectRaster(from = raintot, res = 5000, crs = crs(roads))
names(raintotalb) <- "rain"
r <- raster(extent(raintotalb), res = res(raintotalb), crs = crs(raintotalb), vals = 1)
# lapply approach to interpolation
idw_list <- lapply(c(250, 500, 1000), function(x) {
rainsamp <- sampleRandom(raintotalb, size = 1000, xy = TRUE)
rainsamp <-
invdist <- gstat(id = "rain", formula = rain ~ 1, locations = ~x + y,
data = rainsamp)
invdistr <- interpolate(object = r, model = invdist)
invdistrmsk <- mask(x = invdistr, mask = raintotalb)
idws <- stack(c(raintotalb, idw_list))
titles <- c("CHIRPS rainfall", "1000 pt IDW", "500 pt IDW", "250 pt IDW")
plot_noaxes(idws, main = titles, zlim = c(0, 150))
districts %>% filter(ID %in% seq(15, 50, 5)) %>%
st_transform(st_crs(roads)) %>% st_geometry %>% st_centroid %>%
as_Spatial(.) %>%
distanceFromPoints(object = raintotalb, xy = .) %>%
mask(., raintotalb) %>% plot_noaxes
- Pretty close to results of highest density sample. Slightly higher mean error.
# #1
zamprecalb <- projectRaster(from = zamprec, to = raintotalb)
names(zamprecalb) <- "rain"
elev <- resample(aggregate(x = demalb, fact = 5), y = raintotalb)
# #2
pts <- sampleRandom(x = zamprecalb, size = 25, sp = TRUE) %>% st_as_sf
pts <- pts %>% mutate(elev = raster::extract(x = elev, y = .))
pts_dat <- bind_cols(pts %>% data.frame %>% select(-geometry) %>% as_tibble,
st_coordinates(pts) %>% as_tibble) %>% drop_na
# #3
p1 <- ggplot(pts_dat) + geom_point(aes(X, rain), col = "steelblue") +
ylab("Rainfall (mm)")
p2 <- ggplot(pts_dat) + geom_point(aes(Y, rain), col = "blue2") + ylab("")
p3 <- ggplot(pts_dat) + geom_point(aes(elev, rain), col = "darkblue") + ylab("")
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 1)
# #4
rain_lm <- lm(rain ~ X + Y + elev, data = pts_dat)
# #5
xs <- xFromCell(object = raintotalb, cell = 1:ncell(raintotalb))
ys <- yFromCell(object = raintotalb, cell = 1:ncell(raintotalb))
X <- Y <- raintotalb
values(X) <- xs
values(Y) <- ys
# #6
predst <- stack(X, Y, elev)
names(predst) <- c("X", "Y", "elev")
predrainr <- predict(object = predst, model = rain_lm)
# #7
s <- stack(zamprecalb, predrainr, (predrainr - zamprecalb) / zamprecalb * 100)
mae <- round(cellStats(abs(zamprecalb - predrainr), mean), 1)
pnames <- c("'Observed' Rainfall", "Predicted Rainfall", "% Difference")
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 4))
for(i in 1:3) {
plot_noaxes(s[[i]], main = pnames[i])
if(i %in% 1:2) {
pts %>% st_geometry %>%
plot(pch = 20, cex = 0.2, col = "grey70", add = TRUE)
} else {
mtext(side = 1, line = -3, cex = 0.8,
text = paste("Mean abs err =", mae, "mm"))